CPL(A) Commercial Pilot License

The Commercial Pilot's License CPL(A) allows flying of aircraft of every registered model being the pilot in command, as long as the aircraft type is permitted to be operated by only one pilot. Without an additional IR rating this right may only be used under VFR conditions.

The following rights are included in CPL(A):

  1. flying as a privat pilot PPL(A)
  2. being the pilot in command or the second pilot in non-commercial air traffic on a professional activity basis on aircraft, whose model is registered on the pilot's license
  3. being the pilot in command in non-commercial air traffic on aircraft, whose model is registered on the pilot's license and which are admitted for a minimum crew containing one pilot (SPA Single Pilot Aircraft)
  4. being the second pilot in commercial air traffic on aircraft, whose model is registered on the pilot's license (SPA Single Pilot Aircraft and MPA Multi Pilot Aircraft) 

Prior to the beginning of the training you need to submit the following documents to us:

  • contract of training with AEROTOURS ATO
  • aviation medical class 1 given by an AMC
  • copy of a valid identity card or passport for identity verification
  • 1 passport photograph
  • background check (Sec. 7 para. 1 no. 4 Aviation Security Act (LuftSiG) and sec. 4 para. 1 Aviation Security Act) and a Police Clearance Certificate
  • extract of German Federal Bureau of Motor Vehicles and Drivers (Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt) (Sec. 30 para. 8 of Road Traffic Act (StVG))
  • declaration of pending criminal proceedings (Sec. 24 para. 3 no. 3 and 4 Air Traffic Licensing Order)
  • minimum age for starting training is 17 (license qualification with age of 21)
  • approval of legal representatives in case applicant is minor
  • first aid certificate (is conducted within AEROTOURS ATO where needed)

Prior to the beginning of the training the student has to provide evidence about his/her sufficient knowledge of english, mathematics and physics.
The following is accepted:

  • opinion of an officially recognized expert
  • or certificate of A-Levels (premise: having studied the above subjects for at least three years)
  • or a passed DLR test
  • or the student's previous knowledge is tested by AEROTOURS Head of Training


Aeronautical requirements

  • PPL(A) including night rating (if not available CPL(A) training will be extended for 5 lesson hours NVFR training)
  • 150 flight lessons, 70 lesson hours of which PIC. 20 lesson hours PIC cross country flight including one flight whose flight route is more than 540 km (300 NM) whereby there are two intermediate stops until complete stop of engines

The distance learning course as well as the examination are structured into the following 14 subjects:


  • Air Law
  • Aircraft General Knowledge
  • Electronics
  • Powerplants
  • Instruments
  • Mass and Balance
  • Performing
  • Flight planning
  • Human Peformance
  • Meteorology
  • General Navigation
  • Radio Navigation
  • Operational Procedures
  • Aerodynamics
  • Radio Communication(BZF I)

The distance learning course for the training of the CPL(A) is the most modern way for obtaining the Commercial Pilot License. You can start at any time.


The practical training is structured into two parts. Modul A is trained at the beginning, which includes 10 lesson hours of basic instrument flying. Within this module basic instructions on IR are trained. Afterwards, module B is trained, which is 15 lesson hours CPL(A) training of visual flight, whereby 5 lesson hours are operated on a complex aircraft (TB20). This aircraft type meets the requirements being a complex aircraft, these are having at least 4 seats, having a variable pitch propeller and a retractable landing gear. The practical examination is also taken on this aircraft type.





Theoretical training combined in distance eLearning and in house Groundschool

Theoretical exam


The theoretical CPL(A) exam will be done at the Luftfahrt Bundesamt in Braunschweig

Practical phase


10h of basic instrument flight training and 15h additional CPL(A) VFR trainig including 5h of training on a complex aircraft

Practical exam


Practical exam on a complex aircraft