Course Details

Interested in a course in our flight schoo, further information can be found here. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.


>> course overview

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Advanced UPRT

Course period: 10.01.2025 - 10.01.2025
Course language:  

Course description:

Dear Students,

The theoretical UPRT (Upset Prevention and Recovery Training) course will commence on January 10th, 2025.
This will be held online via ZOOM and is expected to last approximately six hours.

Practical sessions should be booked subsequently through the Operations office. Accommodation options are also available.

  • Date: January 10th, 2025
  • Address: n/a (ZOOM)

Note: The information provided is general and subject to change. Please check with the training office in advance for any updates or modifications.

Office, Operations, and Accommodation:


We wish you great success in your training!

Sufficient places available - Sign up now!


AEROTOURS GmbH - Flugplatz F2, Haus 12 - 15344 Strausberg
Approved Training Organisation DE.ATO.074 | IFR Air Operator Certificate D-374 AOC
Language Testing Organisation D-LTO-047, Level 4&5 | Erste Hilfe Ausbildungsstelle

Telefon: (03341) 25 00 08 - Fax: (03341) 21 57 45 -

Further course offers